This is the final week of the CSA for our 2019 season!
Farmer Matt and our crew have been busy harvesting everything out of the fields this past week and we have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday box for you! We want to take this opportunity to give thanks to YOU for your support and membership and for trusting in our family to grow food for your family. We have dedicated our lives to this important work of farming, nourishing, feeding, connecting... and our CSA is at the heart of it all.
We can't forget to give thanks to our amazing farm crew without whom we could not feed you. They come in early and stay late, harvesting through rainstorms and blazing heat... Together we plant, transplant, stake, irrigate, weed, mulch, harvest, wash, pack and deliver. What a team!
We will be making plans for our 2020 season over the next few months and we'll send out an e-mail when we open the enrollment. Until then, we send you all our best wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving and joyous holiday season! See you for the Winter CSA or back here in June!
Warm wishes and love from the farm,
Maggie, Farmer Matt, Farmer Galen, Little Farmer Zinny & Crew!
There will be a make-up delivery on Tuesday, November 26th for the following locations due to a missed delivery back in July:
Rockville Centre (all locations), Valley Stream, Forest Hills, APEC/Douglaston, Farmspot (Jackson Heights), Sunnyside, Flushing, Syosset and Port Washington - Main Street.
CSA withdrawal is a real thing...especially when you're faced with shopping for weeks- or months-old produce at the grocery store again. Lifeless greens, tasteless carrots. It's a bad time. But you don't have to despair! You can still eat local this winter! Our Winter Share is primarily a root vegetable share with deliveries once a month from December through March. Don't expect tomatoes and fresh greens. This is straight-up authentic winter food - exactly what your grandparents (or great-grandparents) would have eaten all winter long back when growing your own food and eating what was in season was just what you did!
You can learn more and sign up here:
What's in the share?
So much goodness! All of this will store well for your Thanksgiving meal next week. Just follow the storage instructions!
Celeriac (Celery Root)
This is not an attractive vegetable, but it's so wonderful mashed for Thanksgiving or used in soups. It tastes like celery and it's easy to prepare once you remove the thick skin with a knife.
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.
I can't get enough of radicchio salads with balsamic, olive oil, sliced parmesan and garlic. But if you're not into the bitter flavor, just cook it! The flavor mellows wonderfully.
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw/Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.
Storage: Separate the roots from the greens, then store in an an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Cooked/Raw When to use: Within 10 days.
Savoy Cabbage
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw/Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.
Butternut Squash
Remember this: Wash and make some knife holes in the flesh. Then roast WHOLE on a baking sheet at 400F until tender. Done. Ready for soup, risotto, mashed side dish, etc.
Storage: Store in a cool spot. Uses: Cooked When to use: On the counter for up to 2 weeks should be fine.
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw/Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.
Sweet Potatoes
Storage: In a cool, NOT cold spot. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 10 days.
Farmhouse Favorite Recipes
Celeriac Mash
Braised Leeks with Lemon
Roasted Cauliflower & Coconut Soup
Roasted Radicchio Salad with Ricotta & Dates
Savoy Cabbage Slaw with Applesauce Vinaigrette and Mustard Seeds