CSA 2019 - Week #13


The final week of August is here and we're just beginning to reach the peak of our CSA harvests!  This is my favorite time of the year.  Enjoy!

Have a great week, friends!
XO Maggie for Farmer Matt, Kelly & the Crew

What's in the share?

Orange Watermelon
Store in the fridge -- not on your counter!
Storage: In the fridge. Uses: Raw When to use: Within 3 days

Green Leaf Lettuce
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw When to use: Within 5 days.

Red Tomatoes
They're here!
Storage: On the counter until they ripen to a uniform red color. Then eat right away. If you store your tomatoes in the fridge, they will become mealy. No good. Uses: Raw When to use: Immediately once fully red.

Sungold Cherry Tomatoes
Sunshine candy!
Storage: On the counter until they ripen to a uniform yellow/orange color. Then eat right away. If you store your tomatoes in the fridge, they will become mealy. No good. Uses: Raw When to use: Immediately once fully ripe.

Green Beans
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 5 days.

Swiss Chard
Storage: Inn airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 3 days.

Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.

Briermere Farm Fruit Share
1 bag of Peaches

Farmhouse Favorite Recipes

Swiss Chard & Tomato Saute
Green Beans with Cherry Tomatoes
Roasted Eggplant with Walnut Salsa
Warm Eggplant & Mint Salad

CSA Listeb