CSA 2019 - Week #22


What a great fall box this week with broccoli AND cauliflower! 
Enjoy all these fall flavors! 

Have a great week, friends!
XO Maggie for Farmer Matt, Kelly & the Crew

What's in the share?

Storage: In an an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Cooked/Raw When to use: Within 5 days.
What I'm making with it.... Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw/Cooked When to use: Within 5 days.
What I'm making with it.... Steamed cauliflower with butter and nutmeg

Red Beets
These are so sweet and delicious. Don't forget the greens which are a veg all their own! It's one of our 2-for-1 veggies! Just remember to store the greens separately from the roots so they stay fresh and they don't wilt.
Storage: Separate the roots from the leaves and store both in an an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Best Cooked, but you can eat the roots raw. When to use: Within 5 days.

Butternut Winter Squash
Storage: In a cool, dry spot. It's ok on the counter for up to a week. Uses: Cooked When to use: Within 7 days.

Make a parsley pistou and freeze it to dollop on your vegetable soups all winter long. You can also wash the parsley, spin dry and pack into a ziploc bag (or glass jar) to toss in the freezer. When you're cooking this winter, grab a handful of frozen leaves to bring bright green color and fresh flavor to your dishes!
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw When to use: Within 5 days.
What I'm making with it.... This bunch I'll be freezing for use in the winter.

Always wonderful in soup. You can also cook them solo and let their flavor the delicate texture shine!
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw When to use: Within 5 days.
What I'm making with it.... More salad! I'll save a few leaves to use on a sandwich.

It looks like lettuce, but it has frilly leaves and it's actually a chicory. Perfect for soup!
Storage: In an airtight container/bag in the refrigerator. Uses: Raw/Cooked When to use: Within 5 days.
What I'm making with it.... In a salad with a lemon vinaigrette, Parmesan shavings and homemade garlic breadcrumbs.

Briermere Farm Fruit Share 1 mixed bag of Jonagold and Cameo Apples

Farmhouse Favorite Recipes

Chicken, Leek & Escarole Soup
Food 52's Braised Leeks
Braised Escarole with White Beans
Butternut Squash with Garlic & Parsley

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