2024 CSA Week #1



Put everything in an airtight container in the fridge. Separate the tops from the bottoms of the radishes and turnips.



Arugula can go right into the fridge in its bag. It is very tender, so wash gently to avoid bruising the leaves.

All greens need to stay hydrated, so they’ll have to be stored in an airtight container in the fridge. While I try to avoid plastic in my kitchen, plastic bags are excellent for this kind of greens storage. There are fancy plastic bags that store greens longer, or you can use Vejibags (my choice!) made from cotton fabric, when gently moistened keep the greens in excellent condition.

Items that have tops & bottoms (such as the turnips and radishes) should be separated. Cut off the tops and store separately. The tops of the radishes can be made into various recipes and the tops of the turnips are my preferred green to along with my eggs for breakfast. See recipe at right.


It happens in this heat when the greens get dehydrated. Not to worry! Fill a very large bowl with cold water. Dunk the greens into the water and let them float around in there until they “perk up”. It can take up to 15 minutes of being submerged. This is ok and good for the greens! Shake off excess water and store in an airtight container in the fridge.


• Arugula Salad with Goat Cheese. This is a fancy version.
Turnip tops sauteed along with eggs for breakfast.
• Turnip roots sliced thinly and dipped in hummus.
• Red Radishes quartered and put on platter with fresh grass-fed butter and Maldon sea salt. Excellent with a baguette.
Kale frittata made in the morning and served for dinner on a hot night with salad. I’ll use the red kale for this.
• Toscano kale with pasta with sausage. Here’s a quick version.
• Boston Lettuce Salads - Perfect Salad & Vinaigrette Recipe
• Cilantro pesto. I may try this Coconut Quinoa & Kale Salad with Cilantro Pesto


If you find yourself with CSA produce left in the fridge and your next pick-up is coming up….don’t panic! Try these tips…

Radishes & Turnips left over? Cut the radishes in half, the turnips in quarters and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper and roast in the oven at 375F until tender. Delish on its own or served cool with a salad and some goat cheese.

Kale or Cilantro left over? Make a pesto, add it to your smoothie or freeze it in cubes to put in smoothies later in the season.

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