CSA Week #11
We have watermelons in the VEGETABLE shares for everyone this week! They are Certified Organic, grown on our farm and most importantly, they are an old-fashioned variety that have SEEDS!
FRUIT SHARES from Briermere Farm are here!
The fruit is NOT INCLUDED in the vegetable share. You must pay for it separately. If you paid for the fruit it will say "FRUIT" next to your name on the check-in sheet. If it does not say "FRUIT" next to your name, DO NOT TAKE A BAG OF FRUIT. The fruit share will consist of one bag of fruit per PAID FRUIT SHARE MEMBER each week. Look for the fruit bags in open plastic crates at the site starting this week. Questions? Let us know!
This week's harvest
Red Watermelon
With SEEDS! You just can't find these old fashioned, sweet varieties anymore. Make sure that you store the melon in your fridge - NOT on the counter.
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Raw
When to use: Within 3 days
Red Batavian Lettuce
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Raw
When to use: Within 5 days
Green & Yellow Zucchini
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Best Cooked
When to use: Within 5 days
Yellow Wax Beans
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Cooked
When to use: Within 3 days
Baby Arugula
This is hand-harvested and EXTREMELY TENDER. Wash very gently and dress lightly. It will wilt quickly, so eat right away. How about tonight?
Uses: Raw
When to use: Within 2 days
Storage: In an airtight container in the fridge.
Uses: Raw or Cooked
When to use: Within 5 days
Freshly-dug New Potatoes
These are freshly-dug, so they are full of moisture and will cook very quickly!
Storage: In a cool, DARK location.
Uses: Cooked
When to use: Within 5 days
Briermere Farm Fruit Share - Peaches & Apricots - 1 mixed bag
The Fruit Share is a separate share from the Vegetables. It is not included.
Potato Salad with Beans & Salsa Verde
Shaved Zucchini & Fennel Salad