CSA 2013 - Week #24

The contents of the share may fluctuate through the week.  Please check the newsletter here for an updated list.

In the Box

Kohlrabi - 2 piece
Fennel - 1 bunch
Radicchio - 1 head
Carrots - 1 bunch
Broccoli - 3 heads
Cauliflower - 1 head OR Baby Lettuce Heads - 1 bag
Surprise Item - 1 piece/bag

In a bag in the fridge: Everything!


1 bag mixed apples (Empire, Winesap, and Cortland or Fuji)

This week's Recipes

5 Ways with Kohlrabi
Baked Radicchio
Roasted Fennel and Cauliflower Soup



News from the farm

Snow! It may be beautiful, but it's not nice weather for working in fields.  As the season comes to a close, it's less comfortable for our workers picking and washing the veg in these cold temperatures.  They deserve a big thank you for their hard work all season, and especially now as they work through the snow and wind and freezing wash waters. 

Our winter shares are almost sold out, so be sure to sign up in the next few days if you want to snag one!   


We are now accepting applications for our Winter CSA.  The program consists of 5 deliveries from December through March (every 3 weeks) with pick-ups at the farm in Jamesport, and in Manhasset and Port Washington.  Our locations for pick-up are limited during the winter since the produce needs to be kept indoors where it won't freeze!  LEARN MORE HERE.

Connect with your Farm

We welcome you to explore our website to learn more about our farm and the wonderful things you can do with your weekly share.


If you have questions or concerns about your share, please do not hesitate to contact us.  That is one of the benefits of knowing where your food comes from!  Your farmers are happy to hear from you at info@goldenearthworm.com at any time, for any reason.

