CSA 2010 - Week #11

What's in the Box - August 10, 11 & 12

Click on a crop below for recipes and storage information.

VEGETABLE SHARE Check back daily for an updated list - it will change during the week!

Chioggia Beets - 1 bunch
Green Romaine Lettuce - 1 head 
Green Bell Peppers - 4 pieces
Cherry Tomatoes*  - 1 pint
Red Tomatoes* - 3 pieces
Baby Arugula - 1/2 lb bag 

FRUIT SHARE from Briermere Farm

If you have any questions about the fruit, please contact Briermere Farm directly at briermere@aol.com

FRUIT SHARE for Long Island  - Wednesday
1 bag mixed Nectarines and White & Yellow Peaches
1 container Berries (Raspberries -OR- Blueberries) 

FRUIT SHARE for Queens 
1 bag mixed Nectarines and White & Yellow Peaches- Just 1 bag this week!

Leave peaches at room temperature, or put them in a paper bag.  This does help - the ethylene gas given off by the ripening fruit is trapped in the bag and speeds up the process. Berries should be kept in the fridge. 

Notes on the Box...

The tomatoes are finally coming in, and they're looking beautiful - and tasting delicious! The baby arugula is super tender at this stage, so be sure to wash gently and toss with a light dressing. Anything heavy will kill its delicate flavor!

We were hoping to include basil in the shares this week, but we noticed a black fuzz on the bottom of the leaves when we started picking it this morning. We have later plantings that we hope will look better! And eggplant would usually start appearing in the shares around this time, except we lost the crop to the potato beetle earlier in the season. Farmer Matt promises to write a full farm report some time in the coming weeks, so stay tuned... 

*A Note on Tomatoes...
The tomatoes have been sprayed with copper as a preventative for late blight fungus.  This spray is certified for use in organic production, but must be washed off before eating.  Also be sure to ripen red tomatoes completely on the counter before eating!  They should be a deep red and slightly soft to the touch. Cherry tomatoes are picked ripe and ready to eat.

Save the Date!

We've set a date for our annual CSA Harvest Festival for Sunday, October 17thRain date will be the following Sunday. This year's activities will include hay rides, live music and entertainment, cooking demos, a local artisan market and more! Stay tuned for more info...

Join our Facebook Group! Share pics, recipes, and join the discussion with other members!   

Explore our Website

We welcome you to explore our website to learn more about our farm and the wonderful things you can do with your weekly share. You may find our PRODUCE STORAGE TIPS page useful in figuring out how to maximize the life of your veggies, and our RECIPE section to search for ways to cook up your box! And maybe you need help identifying a particular mystery vegetable? Try our CROP GUIDE.  

If you would like to place a special order, or if there is a problem with your box, please contact Holly at holly@goldenearthworm.com  All other inquiries should be directed to our general CSA mailbox at info@goldenearthworm.com.


Beet, Arugula & Goat Cheese Salad

More recipes for all the week's produce can be found here on our RECIPES page.  

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