Farming in the time of Covid


For the past 26 years, we have committed ourselves to growing food to nourish our family and our community.  The challenges we are all facing with the current Coronavirus are ones that we were ultimately preparing ourselves for all these years.  During this uncertain time filled with anxiety and fear, we want you to know that we are here for you, growing food to feed you and your loved ones.  We know that a safe, reliable and local food system is one of the most important resources for a community.  

None of us know what the coming weeks and months will bring, but we do know that natural cycles of life will continue - photosynthesis will take place, our plants will continue to grow, and we will tend to them with loving care.  We are on track and moving forward with our planting schedules to begin harvest and delivery the first week of June.  We have already seen a sharp uptick in CSA registrations as the reality of food scarcity and the frailty of a global food network is showing up in our everyday lives.

Our commitment to food safety.  Our produce is grown in nutrient-rich soil that we have been building for over two decades. Not only is it 100% Certified Organic and non-GMO, every member of our staff has been trained in food safety following certification training of our management staff through the Produce Safety Alliance.  We follow USDA GAP standards and protocols and we were one of the first farms to adopt these standards more than a decade ago.  CSA produce is perhaps the least handled food available.  It is harvested in the field, washed and packaged, and then shipped in clean boxes directly to CSA member pick-up sites.  No warehouses, middle men, extra handling or consumer touching.  We will continue to monitor the situation and adjust our handling protocols as necessary to ensure that our produce is clean and safe for you.  
We hope that you are able to find calm and perspective during this difficult time. 


Much love & light from all of us at the farm.  Be well!
Maggie, Farmer Matt, Kelly, Galen, Zinny & Crew

CSA and Covid-19

We've received so many e-mails and calls from members asking the same types of questions, so I thought I'd share some of them here.

What steps are you taking to ensure the safety of the CSA
during this Covid-19 outbreak?

In addition to the stringent Food Safety Protocols already in place here at the farm, our staff will be wearing protective face masks and gloves during harvest, washing and packing of produce.  Our facility is already sanitized multiple times per day, but we will increase the frequency of these cleanings.  All delivery drivers will wear protective gear when making deliveries, and our trucks will be thoroughly sanitized on a frequent basis.  We will share new and updated CSA Pick-up protocols with you before the start of the season to ensure the safety of all members picking up their food.  

How do I know that my CSA produce is safe to eat?
We are following all guidelines from the FDA and the CDC at this time.  The FDA has stated that there is no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with transmission of COVID-19.  Our farm staff goes through rigorous food safety training, with ongoing reviews and modifications as needed.  Your CSA produce is minimally handled by a very small, well-trained staff - usually by just two or three gloved hands before reaching you.   Farmer Matt and Maggie personally oversee the handling procedures from field harvest to delivery, and we are confident that all safety precautions taken along the way will ensure a safe product for you and your family.  We will ask for your participation in ensuring a safe CSA pick-up environment, so please stay tuned or more information on that front coming soon.

We are here to answer any of your questions or concerns,
so please feel free to contact us.  Thank you!